Saturday, August 25, 2007

Late to the Party

My MIL brought me a copy of Charmed Knits by Alison Hansel from the library where she works. Wow- what a fun book! I am a Harry potter geek (just tacked on the the long list of things I am a geek about, I guess) and I love that she used all the books and movies that were out at the time (which were, I believe, book 6 and movie 4) to generate her inspiration. Hopefully there will be a Charmed Knits Part Deux to round out the final book and set of movies.
I totally want a Weasley sweater. I don't even where monogrammed stuff, but that thing is too cool. Now I just have to find a suitable yarn...

Monday, August 20, 2007


Sooo...I've been working steadily on the Mystery Stole 3 in Knitpicks Alpaca Cloud: color midnight. I'm using graphite colored beads. Originally I wanted matte beads, but decided in the store that sparkly was the way to go. I can't find a small enough crochet hook to go through the size 6 beads so I am using the "twisting-pushing-pulling-shredding" method to thread the beads onto the yarn loops. It makes for some slow going at times. I started quite late (the last clue was released on Friday-I started this about a week ago) but I am already on clue 2, which is quick for me. I am not the fastest knitter in the world, but this thing is small and cruising right along. Of course, it is contributing to arguments between the wifey and myself, as I am immersed and not interested in watching shows or movies or, you know, interacting. I am only interested in knitting this thing! All talking should cease and my concentration should never be broken (except for food and, unfortunately, my paying job that will resume tomorrow). I don't know why this is an issue. :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

couldn't help it, really

You Are Trinity

"Touch me and that hand will never touch anything again."

Monday, August 13, 2007


Hello there. My name is Duni. I'm crafty like ice is cold. I'm a Coloradan by birth and New Englander by choice, but I do miss the mountains. What you'll find here is a record of my crafting jounrey, such as it is, with needles. Knitting, sewing, needlepoint and probably some more stuff when I get around to it. Enjoy!