Behold, my (so-far) MAGNUM OPUS OF STITCHES:

Mystery Stole 3- Swan Lake Theme designed by Melanie Gibbons at PinkLemonKnits
Yarn: KintPicks Alpaca Cloud, black heather, 2 skeins
Needles: KnitPicks Options US 6
Beads: Smoke with silver lining from big-box craft store
Size: big enough
Started: July 2007
Finished: December 10, 2007
Thoughts: Wow- I loved knitting this thing! I've tried lace before, but with a sport-weight yarn and it is (still after 3 years) not coming along well (I'm talking about you Ene), but this went exceptionally well for my first time with laceweight. I only made a few mistakes and I know I'll be the only on who can see them. Better finished than perfect. It took a long time to complete, but it wasn't the only thing I was working on. The charts and directions were great and this was really a fun knit. I can't wait to try my hand at the double-winged version. All in all- wonderful!

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